
Pranayama is a sanskrit word which means extension of the Prana or breath or to be more precise it's a extension of the life force. The word is composed of two sanskrit words, prana+ ayama, where prana means life force or vital energy particularly the breath & ayama is to extend ,draw out, restrain or control.

It's an expansion of individual internal energy into cosmic energy. One needs some preparation before actually taking up pranayama, the breathing process chiefly involves two activities viz, inhaling & exhaling. of these the former is called as purak & the latter is called as rechak in yogashashtra. These two activities continue nonstop right from the birth to death of a person. The state when these two activities are made to halt is given the name kumbhaka in yoga studies. The halt after inhaling is ie purak is called abhyantara kumbhaka & after exhaling rechaka , it's called as bahya kumbhaka.

It's an expansion of individual internal energy into cosmic energy. One needs some preparation before actually taking up pranayama, the breathing process chiefly involves two activities viz, inhaling & exhaling. of these the former is called as purak & the latter is called as rechak in yogashashtra. These two activities continue non stop right from the birth to death of a person. The state when these two activities are made to halt is given the name kumbhaka in yoga studies. The halt after inhaling is ie purak is called abhyantara kumbhaka & after exhaling rechaka , it's called as bahya kumbhaka.

Types of Pranayama:
Kapalbhati - Kapal (कपाल)means forehead & Bhati (भाती ) means glow.A new beginner can begin with one round (10 respiration). After completing 10 quick exhalation and natural inhalation inhale and exhale deeply. One can start the practice of Kapalbhati pranayama with 3 such rounds for practice.

How to do Kapalbhati Pranayama
  • Sit in comfortable crossed leg position with Back straight.
  • Hands resting on knees or gyana mudra. Face to be relaxed.
  • Inhale deeply through both nostril, expanding abdomen and exhale through nose with the forceful contraction of abdominal muscles.
  • Pull the abdomen in by quickly contracting the abdominal muscles and exhale through the nose. The air is pushed out of lungs by contraction of the diaphragm.
  • After exhalation again inhalation but inhalation should not involve any effort. To inhale just relax and the lungs will automatically expand and filled with air.

Benefits of Kapalabhati

  • Kapalabhati cleanses the lungs and entire respiratory system.
  • The blood is purified and body gets an increased supply of oxygen to all cells.
  • Digestion is improved.
  • Abdominal muscles are strengthened.
  • Prepare the mind for meditation.
  • Energize the mind for mental work.
Precautions- Kapalbhati should not be practice in following conditions

  • High blood pressure
  • suffering from heart diseases
  • Asthama patient
  • If pain or dizziness is experienced


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